Skincare Updates!

Sorry it’s been quiet on here for the past few weeks! With Vlogtober in full swing, it’s been hard to find time to blog too much, but now it come to an end, I’ll be back with lots more beauty bits for you all! (If you want to see what I’ve been up to, check out my vlogging channel here!) Today I wanted to update you with some skincare treasures I’ve discovered this month.

The first thing is a serum. I don’t use serums all the time, usually in the winter months or if I have a problem with my skin and it needs a little helping hand, but I’ve really been loving this one from Vichy…

It’s their Idealia Life Serum and is very much a hybrid product in texture: halfway between a serum and cream. It absorbs into my skin instantly, leaving it super smooth, glowing and hydrated. I loved it the first time I tried it and still do 4 weeks later! It’s £29.50 for 30ml and available from Boots or online here.

The second item that has snuck into my skincare routine is a new scrub. I’ve been loyal to Soap & Glory’s Scrubatomic for around a year now, but when I finished my latest tube I fancied a change. So I picked up Apivita’s Olive Scrub and it’s brilliant. I was a fan of the brand’s face masks before, but the cooling, clean sensation this gives you is lovely. Its not overly harsh or stripping but still effective. It’s £13 for 40ml, available from Marks & Spencer stores and online here.

Finally, a new mask I’ve been loving… I’ve heard so many good things about Oskia over the past few years, but hadn’t tried anything from the brand until this mask. It’s their Renaissance Mask and has won lots of awards, so my expectations were high. It didn’t disappoint. It’s a really strange, salmon pink, thick gel texture. It turns white when you apply it to the skin, but leaves your complexion super smooth, revived and plumped. It has a delicate rose and chamomile scent and is packed with exfoliating fruit acids (passionfruit, lemon and grape) and papaya enzymes. I try to use this at least a few days after using the Apivita scrub so I’m not over-exfoliating my skin, but I’m absolutely loving it. It’s pricey at £48.50 for 50ml, but a little goes a long way! It’s available from SpaceNK here.

That’s it for my skin updates! If you want to know what else I’ve been loving recently (there’s lots of hair care bits!) check out my October Favourites video!