Fragrance Friday: Black XS L’Exces

I’ve always been rather taken with Paco Robanne fragrances. From Ultra Violet to Lady Million, they are all rather ‘in your face’ scents, but I am undeniably a fan of all of them. 

I was therefore excited to hear that they were releasing a new one! Black XS L’Exces is a new edition of their Black XS perfume and I have to say I absolutely love it. It’s almost like a hybrid of Black XS and my favourite ‘sexy’ scent, Lady Million. Sharing notes of Neroli and Jasmine with Lady Million, and the hint of Vanilla, Rose (and a hint of pepper!) with the original Black XS.

It’s nothing new, it’s nothing ground breaking, but it sure does smell good! I’d recommend checking it out if like me, you have an unashamed love for sweet, juicy, mass market fragrances and you’re not afraid to admit it!

Black XS L’Exces is available now, prices start at £31.50.