Dior Les Violets Hypnotiques

I got the chance to try out Dior’s new nail polish collection ‘Les Violets Hypnotiques’ this week and I thought I’d share a few snaps with you…

The collection consists of three shades that are all… well… purple! However, these ‘hypnotic’ shades have a little more to them than meets the eye. What appear to be three fairly similar shades in the bottles, they are really rather different.

My pick of the bunch has to by ‘Shadow’, a deep aubergine shade with a very subtle gold shimmer to it. It’s subtle but noticeable. It’s this kind of undertone I had hoped Chanel Paradoxal would contain (it didn’t!)

I also love ‘Orchid’ which reminds be of Tom Ford’s Black Orchid shade, a deep plum that looks almost red on it’s first coat. I think it’s a deeply vampy, sexy shade.

My least favourite is ‘Poison’, a deep purple that dries down to look almost black on the nails.

The quality of the polishes is exceptional. I think they’ve changed the formulation since I last tried a Dior polish as they now have large, fan brushes and the polish dries with a beautifully shiny, smooth finish.

Are they worth the 17.50 price tag? It’s debatable, but they’re certainly a nice little luxury if you can justify buying one!