One of New York’s hottest young fashion designers Jason Wu, famed for designing the white dress Michelle Obama wore to her husbands inauguration, has collaborated with CND (Creative Nail Design) to create his very own nail polish collection.
Jason Wu
What at first glance appears to be a fairly standard selection of shades, upon second look absolutely shines in terms of subtle originality.
l-r: Miss Wu, Anna effect topcoat, Brigitte, Sophia, Veronica
There are four colours in the collection including Wu’s ‘trademark’ limestone nude with a matte finish entitled ‘Miss Wu’, a gorgeously glamorous warm pink called ‘Brigitte’ and a deep blue-toned red called ‘Veronica’ that looks almost pink in the press image. The final colour, entitled ‘Sophia’ lets the side down slightly in my opinion. It’s a lovely mushroom taupe shade but I feel like I’ve seen this one a hundred times before.
What makes this collection really stand out for me though, is the ‘Anna’ effect top coat. This clear topcoat claims to leave the nails with a very subtle ‘tweed’-like crackle effect.
Michelle Obama in Jason Wu
On the whole, I love the look of this collection and think the choice of shades perfectly embody the look and feel of Wu’s designs. I was a little disappointed to find you can only buy all five colours together though.
The Jason Wu Collection is available now from and is priced at £49.95.