I was super excited when a little package from Eyeko arrived on my doorstep this weekend carrying their two newly released limited edition nail polishes. Eyeko’s polishes are by far their most famous product, and as their reputation is thoroughly well deserved, I was itching to try this month’s new releases.
And here they are… Punk Polish ‘For Neon Nails’ and Chi Chi Polish ‘For Girlie Nails’!
As for the Punk polish, like most other Eyeko Polishes, it’s super opaque. As you can see below, there is not too much difference between one coat (top nail) and two (bottom nail). It dries fast and doesn’t chip very easily at all. Depending on what you do on a day-to-day basis, one coat plus a top coat should last you 4 days at the very least. As for the colour, I’m a huge fan. It’s a super vibrant, almost fluorescent pink. As with all bright colours, it’ll accentuate any tan you have and look gorgeous on your toes.
Chi Chi Polish is another hit. I have honestly never seen such great pay-off from a glitter polish before (perhaps with the exception of OPI, but they’re 3x the price!) The top nail is with one coat, the bottom with two.
I have to admit, they do look super cute together, with one coat of each they are definitely ‘For Barbie Nails’!
They are priced at £3.50 each and are available online at Eyeko.co.uk now! If you enter the code E10637 at the checkout, the lovely girls at Eyeko will even pop in a little gift along with your order – how lovely!
What do you think girls? Will you be picking either of these little beauties up?
Fleur x
Update: In response to your questions… Yes, the Chi Chi Polish (like all glitter polishes!) is a nightmare to get off your nails!