I only own one Chanel ‘Le Vernis’ (or nail varnish in less chic terms). It was a kind gift from a friend. I had never taken the plunge and splashed out 16 (and a half!) of my own hard-earned pounds for a Chanel nail varnish before, as I honestly couldn’t believe it would be worth the money. So when I was adorning my talons with this pricey polish this afternoon, I decided to write a little blog post about it.
The shade I own isn’t one of those fancy-pants ‘on trend’ craze-inducing colours like Jade, Particuliere or Rouge Noir. It’s the cute-ly name ‘Orange Fizz’. And it’s not even really orange, I’d describe it as a ‘true coral’ and it is very pretty, especially for summertime.So down to the point…The formulation is quite thin, but it’s nice to apply and well pigmented. While it definitely needs two coats for the full effect, it dries nicely, shines like it’s been polished to perfection and doesn’t chip for a good four days if you’re not a manual labourer! But I do hear you ask – can it really be worth all that money? The equivalent of SIX (totally fabulous) Barry M nail paints?! I’m surprised by my conclusion, but I actually think it’s worth every penny. The packaging is beautiful, the finish is beautiful and the feeling of parisienne chic you get from applying it to your nails is not something that can be matched by any other designer or ‘affordable’ brand.I’m not going to go out and buy the whole collection of course, but I do think one or two of these in any girls collection is enough to make her feel fabulous. They make a glamourous gift to give or receive and they have my thumbs up – price tag and all!You can purchase Chanel Nail Varnishes, along with the rest of the Chanel cosmetics line at most department stores.