It’s been rather quiet on the blog recently. I’ve been meaning to write this post all week but it’s taken me ages to actually get around to it. I’m not entirely sure why, but I would say it’s something rather like writers block. Let’s call it blogging block… pretty much the same thing.
Over the past few years there has been more and more pressure on bloggers to upload daily, but over the past couple of weeks I haven’t really had much to share with you all on here. Between my YouTube beauty videos, daily vlogging in December, Instagram and Twitter, I’ve already been sharing most of my life. Top that off with writing a book, and it equals very limited time and content for blog posts. I’m really sorry for that, but it’s set to change soon as I’m super happy to say that I’ve finally finished off writing my book (save a couple of proof-reads!)
It’s been quite an interesting process for me to say the least. When I first went in for a meeting with my publishers, Headline, I told them I was determined to write the book myself and not to use a ghostwriter. Partly because I quite fancied the challenge, and also because I wanted to be able to put something out that was truly mine, written for you. The following couple of months have been pretty hectic. I’ve actually really enjoyed the process but it’s been a very tight deadline so there have been many late nights and early mornings. In case you haven’t seen my latest video, or Instagram posts, this week we confirmed the final cover for the book. We actually went back and forth quite a bit making sure we got it just right, and I’m so happy with the results.
The design of the inside is equally as gorgeous and I’m so excited to finally be able to share it with you all on February 12th. I’m going to be doing a few book signings around the country too, and I’ll let you know the details of those as soon as I do! I’m working on getting to see as many of you as I can, but we obviously have to have the resources available in the shops to be able to host events. I think that’s the part about releasing a book I’m most excited about, getting to meet you and see your reactions to it! That, and going into a real book shop and buying a real copy of my (real!) book!
On another note (seeing as we are having a bit of a catch-up!) I’ve also been having a bit of a January detox this week. I haven’t made a New Year’s Resolutions video this year (I did last year, but I’m not sure it would be too different from that one, when looking at the entire year!) but I have set some specific goals for January. I feel like January is the first step. If I can make it through January sticking to my goals, then I’ll re-assess what is realistic for the whole of 2015!
Firstly I’m not drinking (nope, I’m not pregnant, totally not ready for that yet!) I did dry January last year and felt really good for it so I’ve decided to do it again this year. I’ve also been juicing every morning (usually a combination of apple, celery, cucumber, spinach, mint and occasionally beetroot or courgette too) I’ve been in to juicing for ages, but I don’t usually do it daily because of the clean up effort it requires. After a week of having a green juice daily though, I think I’m converted. I feel amazing and full of energy – cleaning the juicer is definitely worth it! My third ‘January resolution’ is to work out every week day. For me this is a lot more than normal (usually I work out 2 times per week, 3 maximum) I’ve stuck to it so far and I have to say I’ve really been enjoying it. I’m going to do a video on my routine and a little fitness haul on my YouTube channel soon as I want to talk about that in more detail, but in general, I’m loving it and I can already feel the difference in how I feel, and my energy and fitness levels. January can be such a down and depressing month, I’m determined to kick it in the ass and get myself ready for the book launch in February.
So there are my updates! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! What are your resolutions for the year? Are you sticking to them so far?!
My book is also up for pre-order already, so if you’re feeling super-duper keen, you can order it here 🙂