The Perfect Addition to My Makeup Bag for Spring!

Until recently I had overlooked Aveda’s makeup line. I’ve been a fan of their hair products for years but the makeup never really caught my eye until I spotted this little gem…

If you aren’t familiar with Aveda’s makeup range, it all comes in reusable packaging, which you buy separately and fill with colours of your choice. 

This cute compact caught my eye, as it’s a really unusual combo of lipstick and powder. The two colours I filled it with are part of Aveda’s 2013 Spring collection ‘Art of Nature’, and to me make the perfect addition to my makeup bag for Spring.

Both pretty coral tones, they complement each other perfectly.

The blush has three colours so can be used in different variations to create more dramatic looks, and the top shade works really well as a highlighter too!

This is definitely my favourite Spring addition to my makeup collection. Blush in Hibiscus – £21, Lipstick in Melochia Bloom – £12, and Essentials Environmental Palette – £11.

All available now from Aveda counters worldwide.