The One that Couldn’t Get Away…

I generally avoided anything ‘London Fashion Week’ on my blog this season.

As the #LFW hashtag overloaded my Twitter feed and trend reports dominated inbox last week, I thought you guys might feel a little overloaded too, so I made an effort to post about non-fashion-week-related nonsense. There was however, one email so cute, I had to post about it (even if it is a week late!). So here it is… my one and only LFW post:

These cute-as-a-button nail wraps from Nail Rock were exclusively designed for the Meadham Kirchhoff show.

They adorned the nails of the models and were given to front row guests.

I’m not really a huge fan of nail wraps anymore, I think they were a little ‘overdone’ but it’s amazing to see something new and I’m hoping this style of cutesy nail art is going to be an upcoming nail trend next spring/summer and a sign of things to come in the nail wrap world (I don’t know about you, but I’m so bored of zebra stripes and checkers now!)

On a side note, there was one odd ball in the pack…

Is it just me or…? Nope, that’s a fanny.

Note to Nail Rock: you need to put these into production!