Touche Eclat Meets it’s Match!

A bold claim, I know.

YSL Touch Eclat has been considered a cult beauty product for donkey’s years now and is widely acknowledged as being the best thing for concealing those pesky under-eye circles. But there’s a new under-eye kidd in town (pun totally intended) in the form of Jemma Kidd’s Wrinkle Rescue and Brightener Duo.

This nifty little double ended stick contains a wrinkle filling serum on one end (that seems better described as a primer to me) and a pink-toned brightening concealer on the other… and it works wonders!

Cue the rather unflattering before and after pictures…

(due to recently being ill and spending a whole day in bed… my eyes don’t actually look too bad today… Don’t know whether to be happy due to lack of circles, or sad due to less impressive before & after snaps… haha!)

Overall, I’m totally in love with this product and have spent the last few weeks convincing all my family and friends that it’s the way forward (my mum is particular fan!) It is available in 3 shades, I have number 1 (the lightest).

I like to apply the serum with the little spatula, tap it into the skin with my fingers, then apply the concealer over the top using Jemma Kidd’s Pro Crease Brush (06) to blend it in.

If you suffer from dark circles and need a little extra lift under the eyes, then this is a must have, in my opinion it knocks the socks off YSL Touche Eclat, which can be a little too light reflective at times. One of my most frequently asked questions is what is the best solution for under-eye circles, so there you have it!

It’s not cheap at £24, but it’s worth every penny! (And you can get it with free international delivery here… woo!)