Eau so Fresh: One Minute with Hannah Holman!

As part of the launch for Marc Jacobs’ latest fragrance ‘Daisy Eau so Fresh’, I was given the opportunity to ask rising star of the modelling world and face of the new fragrance, Hannah Holman, a few questions.

She attended the interview wearing not a scrap of make up, and still managed to look utterly fabulous (so jealous!) See the video below to see what she had to say about the new fragrance, her favourite ‘fresh’ make up look and how she feels at having come such a long way in the modelling world at only 19…

As for the fragrance itself (which is available now) it’s a lighter, fruiter version of the much loved Daisy.

With notes of raspberry, apple blossom and jasmine petals, it’s a great spring/summer fragrance that is really easy to wear. I prefer it to the original Daisy, as it’s not quite so floral (sometimes I find daisy can be somewhat sickly?!).

Has anyone else tried this yet? What do you think of Hannah’s answers?!