I came across a fabulous service recently. When I noticed a nasty oil stain had magically appeared on my three week old Balenciaga, I was a little distressed to say the least! After the local dry cleaner told me he wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot barge pole, and that my only chance was taking it down to London for a ‘VERY expensive’ repair, I took to Google…
Lo and behold, I found a fantastic looking specialist called ‘The Furniture Clinic’. Now don’t let their name fool you, these lovely people will clean stains, marks, dirt, the lot, off any kind of leather goodies, including handbags (especially good for those worn-out old Mulberry Roxannes’s I think ladies!) Just check out their image gallery HERE to see some of their fabulous work. So after a chat to a nicely spoken man on the phone, I apprehensively packed off my little pride and joy and handed it over to Royal Mail (gulp!). Stupidly I didn’t take a ‘before’ photo of my bag (I think I was too depressed!) but it came back in perfect condition within a week!The stain WAS on the bottom right-hand corner and was about 5cm in diameter (smack bang in the middle of this picture!)
The service wasn’t cheap at £70, but I think it was justified seeing as I bagged this little beauty for the highly reduced price of £400 (RRP £1595!). I’m thinking of sending some of my others for a little TLC sometime soon I think! So what do you reckon, Will you be sending your precious designer goodies off for a re-vamp anytime soon!? If you’d like to see the other handbags in my collection, I have a video up on my YouTube Channel HERE.Check out the Furniture Clinic Website for more information and a personalised quote!Fleur xx